Well, it's all over. Yes, I cheated a little (especially on the "detox" half of it), but for someone who really likes their meat (hahaHA!) I think I did pretty well. I learned all about the virtues of tofu, I introduced several new meals to my repertoire, and I discovered a newfound respect for those who live their lives absent of macaroni and cheese. In addition, I lowered my cholesterol and kick-started my energy. (Now I can stay on the elliptical for twenty minutes without even getting tired. Before, I was so out of shape that a mere five would do a number on my calves.) And I saved a little money, believe it or not. Meat works out to be pretty expensive. I am however a little disappointed that I didn't lose more weight (about 4 pounds total).
Could I seriously recommend it? For a short while, yes. Could I do it forever? NO!!! For Easter I joined my family for a delicious meal- perfectly cooked ham, green beans cooked with ham, corn cooked with ham, and a chocolate and peanut butter cream pie (and there was no tofu cream on that particular pie). Later on that evening, I watched "Animation Domination" with leftover ham, Ritz crackers, and that gross rain slicker- looking sliced cheese. How was my indigestion the next day? Both dreadful AND abominable.