Friday, January 9, 2009

Crikey! I can't be anemic!

Three days later, I have finally conquered my beeturia. (Yes, there is actually a name for it.) For those of you just tuning in, "beeturia" is the passing of red or pink urine after eating beets. It's caused by the presence of betalain (the pigment that gives beets their purple-red color) and it's pretty unsettling when you don't know what's going on.

The kicker is that only 10-14% of the population experiences it at all. For some it's a recessive genetic trait, and for others it's a sign of an iron deficiency. Yikes! Maybe that's why I'm so tired.

I have heard before that taking iron supplements without a doctor's permission is potentially dangerous, but I eat plenty of greens and, at one time, red meat, so I really can't be anemic... right? It may be one reason why I've been so tired. Oh well... I have attached earlobes, bent pinky fingers, and a ton of other recessive genes, so here's hoping it's that.

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