Pictured above is herbed millet with a creamy tomato sauce (creaminess achieved with unflavored soy milk) and steamed zucchini. Millet is actually pretty decent. It reminded me of grits, and I'm willing to bet that it could be fried or grilled in the same manner as polenta. On the nutritional spectrum, it's not up to par with its peers (less than one gram of fiber per serving) but I think it's the tastiest of the new grains I've tried.
Something must be said about organic winter tomatoes- they SUCK. They're colorless, they taste like wet flannel, and they really make you realize how much you take a juicy summertime tomato fresh from the garden for granted. Miraculous advances in non-organic horticulture has made it possible for any fruit at all to be grown at any time of the year, but that definitely doesn't help those who want to keep from being poisoned, does it?
Your blog is awesome. I went to Florida last weekend and got some fresh red tomatoes and delicious oranges from a farmstand. Up for a drive?