Thursday, January 1, 2009

Veganism and Weight Loss

It is estimated that four percent of America's population are vegetarian. Of those, five percent consider themselves vegan. Therefore, about 0.2% of the US population is vegan. They may not be the healthiest 0.2%, but they are definitely among the slimmest.

Ever see a fat vegan? Probably not. I'm sure they exist, and of course there's fat vegetarians out there. We all knew them in college, the ones who feast on french fries and cheese pizzas in the cafeteria. There's the guy who would eat a big plate of spaghetti with nacho cheese sauce poured over it every single day at lunch and dinner- you better believe he was above his ideal weight. I even knew one strict vegetarian (a female) who weighed close to 350 pounds, though I'm fairly certain she had a glandular disorder.

Anyway, remember when I said that weight loss was not one of my main goals here? Scratch that. Since resolving to do this diet, I have thrown caution to the wind, making sure to enjoy all of the foods that I won't be able to after this Sunday. And of course there was the Christmas season. In the last month I have become unable to wear some of my clothes. I am actually afraid to weigh myself now... sucks.

It has been said that one reason why some people have difficulty losing weight is that it is the fat cells in the body that hold the most toxins; these make it difficult to shed the fat. Interestingly, the brain is composed mostly of fat, which is why being toxic can cause mental cloudiness and poor motor skills. For similar reasons, the prostate (composed mostly of fatty tissue) and the breasts are more susceptible to cancer than other glands.

But dammit, I just want to fit in those size 12 Calvins that I bought on eBay a couple weeks ago! Is that too much to ask?!

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